Blogging is the most Powerful Platform over the Internet which lets you to connect with the World seamlessly. Through Blogging you could reach millions of People all over the World. Have you ever wondered, How to Create A Blog? from scratch.
Through Blogging you can take your Passion to the limits you could never dreamed of. Blogging helps you not only to reach millions of audiences around the World, it also helps to express your Ideas, Hobbies, Passion, and much more to the World.
Fact!: Do remember, Blogs are the best Essential Business Tools

1. You have a Passion for Writing Articles, Books, Essays and etc
2. You have Ideas and you want to share it with the World and Audience
3. You are Teacher or Coach or Trainer with the Skills and Knowledge, which you want to share to the Audience and Readers and need a Platform to do so
4. You want to do a Business and want to Start a Start-up Company and need a Platform to reach more Customers
5. You already own a Business and want to sell your Products over the Internet via E-commerce Website
6. You want to become an Entrepreneur and Planning to Make Money Online from Blogging or your Website. If you want to learn more about How To Make Money From A Website or Blog, Please Check out: Top 10 Ways To On How To Monetize A Website or Blog!
Whatever it may be, there could be many ways. If so then you are in the right Spot.
You can’t just Blog. There are many Criteria’s and Factors which have to be considered while Choosing The Best Blogging Platform. So, it becomes very important to understand whether I chose the right and correct Blogging Platform or not, so that you shouldn’t regret later of choosing the Wrong Blog.
To learn more about Which Blogging Platform I should choose for Blogging, Please Check out our Article: Top 10 Blogging Sites – Best Free Blogging Platforms, Today
Yes. Blogging is Free. Who wants to spend Money if you are not in a position to afford? Almost all Blogging Sites out there are offer Free Version of Blogging in their Sub-Domain.
That means you can’t have your own desired Domain or URL as it will be under the name of the Blogging Platform you chose. This means, the Domain will be not
This is good. But it’s not so easy to drive Traffic on your Blog as it’s not your own Domain. Moreover, the Free version of Blogging doesn’t come with lots of Features and lacks Customization options.
However, if you don’t want this kind of Blogging then you should go for Paid Versions of Blogging, which requires purchase of Web Hosting and a Domain Name.
Advice!: If you just want to Blog for your Hobbies and Passion then Google’s Blogger is the best one you need to choose for. Blogger is completely Free of Cost.
Hint: Do remember, you can even earn from Blogging too with Google AdSense, Free of Cost.
If you are someone who needs a well Customized Website or a Blog with a choice of your own Domain and that too in the budget you have, then lots of Blogging Sites over Internet makes this possible.
Many Blogging and Hosting Sites over Internet offers their Customers with different-different Plans with unique features too. You can choose the one which you want that fits in your budget.
Typically, to a Blogging Platform to set up completely, Costs somewhere around $45 to $50 annually.
To make your Content visible over the Internet you need a Domain Name. Without Domain Name you can’t Create a Blog. In order to ensure that your Blog and Website is Live 24×7 over the Internet, then you should need a Web Hosting Website which lets you do this.
There are many Web Hosting Services on Internet to choose from.
But if you want to grow your Audience and Customer Base you definitely need a Blogging Platform that offers both a Custom Domain Name and a Web Hosting to host your Website, which Costs.
There are many Blogging Platforms that offers both which comes with Pricing Plans of few Bucks/Monthly paid on annual basis. So, checkout from our Top 10 and choose the one that fits in your Budget.
So, ensure that you purchase a Domain from the Hosting Site that offers you with least and cheap price.
As we said above, when you don’t know how to Blog. You have no idea about any Coding Language, neither Java, PHP nor HTML & CSS.
You need a Blogging Platform which allows you to create a Blog with Drag and Drop options or with ease.
The Blogger Platform you chose should give you easy to setup, manage and shall support when you are in need of help.
Most common blogging platforms are bundled with a decent content management system. Most CMS’s offer basic features such as underline, bold, italic, font style and a few more styling options. But you need more than that which offers Free Themes and Plugins to work on in order to create your Website with ease.
Apart from this, you have created a Blog. But after some time, you want to upgrade your Blog to different Website. Add few more features into your Blog to enhance your Customer Experience.
You want to change the Look, Design, and Features of the Blog. But what if the Blogger Platform doesn’t allow you to do that. You might in need of Plugins that could help you do so without any Coding.
Hence it becomes a mandatory option to have Customization and Features option for the same where-in Themes and Plugins plays a major role.
Make sure to choose a platform that has a variety of Themes & Plugins to choose from. People usually like to see color, style and appearance of Website when they visit.
You have created a Blog via Web Hosting. What if the Website goes down for some reason without having any backup? Or What if someone hacks on your Website and you will end up losing all the Data’s. Horrible, Isn’t it?
So, you need a Blogger Platform which offers both Security and Back up Features for best buy.
What if, the Blogger Platform you chose doesn’t help with you for Maintaining your Blog with ease?
You definitely want a handy Blogging Platform which takes care of itself in maintaining most of your headache. It should provide solutions on its own by reading your Blog and makes your life easier.
The obvious Reason why many people start Blogging in order to become Entrepreneur on their own and start earning money eventually.
And soon after you want to take it to the next level and make it as your Full-Time Job by creating your own Start-up Company. For this you need the Blogger Platforms which enables you to Monetize your Blog with ease.
Unlike several years ago, majority of the people today now read blogs using their mobile phones or tablets. For this reason, it is also important that you take into consideration that your blogging platform allows mobile-friendly view of your site.
Also, you need a Blogger Platform which can be operated on any Device irrespective of the Platform. It may be your Windows Desktop or it could be Mac Desktop or your Smartphone, Android or iOS.
This makes it easier for you to work on your Blog at anytime and anywhere.
What is the overall performance of websites hosted on each blogging platform? Getting your content out to a large audience is important to increasing traffic and establishing a fan base. Search engines are normally the key traffic driver for SEO friendly blogs.
Non-SEO friendly blogging platforms do not have the key weapon for traffic deliver. While some of you traffic may still come from search engines a non-SEO optimized blog will struggle to provide search engines with what they consider when valuing content on your blog.
Take your time before making a choice.
Now you know, what are the Factors that you should consider while choosing a Blogging Platform. Based on the Skills you have, depth of Knowledge you have and ease of Operation always keep in mind the above 10 Factors while choosing a Blogging Platform the one that fit’s perfect for you.
Having seen how big an impact the choice of Blogging Platform you make it is not recommended to be in any dilemma. Do a complete research before you choose one.
Fact!: It will Costs around approx. $45 to $50 to Create and Run a Successful Website.

“Hey, I am Sachin Ramdurg, the founder of
I am an Engineer and Passionate Blogger with a mindset of Entrepreneurship. I have been experienced in Blogging for more than 15+ years and following as a youtuber along with blogging, online business ideas, affiliate marketing, and make money online ideas since 2012.
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