- 1 Blog vs Website [In-Depth Definitive Guide]
- 2 Blog vs Website Difference
- 3 Blog vs Website – What’s The Difference?
- 4 What Is A Blog?
- 5 How To Identify a Blog?
- 6 Examples of Most Popular Blogs and Good Blogs over the Internet
- 7 What Is A Website?
- 8 How To Identify A Website?
- 9 Examples of Most Popular Websites and Good Websites over the Internet
- 10 History of Blogs
- 11 How Is A Blog Different From A Website?
- 12 What’s The Difference In Terms of Content?
- 13 Why Write Blogs?
- 14 How To Make Money With Blogs? or How To Make Money Blogging?
- 15 How To Start Blogging? or How To Start A Blog?
- 16 Blog vs Website – Which One Should You Choose?
- 17 How To Decide If I Need A Blog vs Website? Which Is Better a Blog or Website?
- 18 Can I Use A Blog or Website For Business?
- 19 Can I Make Money With A Blog vs Website?
- 20 Can I Sell On My Blog vs Website?
- 21 Can I Build A Blog or Website on My Own?
- 22 What Does It Cost To Build A Blog vs Website?
- 23 What About Scaling My Blog vs Website Up In The Future?
- 24 What Is The Difference Between A Blog and Website?
- 25 What Is The Difference Between A Blog Posts and Pages?
- 26 Why Do People Blog? What Are The Benefits of Blogging?
- 27 How Do Bloggers Make Money?
- 28 Can Anyone Start A Blog?
- 29 Can You Have Both A Blog and a Website In One?
- 30 Best Blog Platforms
- 31 Best Blog Sites
- 32 Best Blogging Tools
- 33 What Is The Best Website To Start A Blog?
- 34 Can I Blog On My Website?
- 35 Is It Better To Have A Website or Blog?
- 36 Is A Blog and a Website The Same Thing?
- 37 Why Do You Need A Blog On Your Website?
- 38 How Do You Know If It Is A Blog?
- 39 Is WordPress A Website or Blog?
- 40 How Do You Start A Blog For Free?
- 41 Is Blogging Easy?
- 42 Conclusion
Blog vs Website [In-Depth Definitive Guide]
Are you searching for Blog vs Website?
Finding answers which one shall I choose, a Blog or Website? Blogs are great ways to make money online. Blogs can also be your one of your best lifestyle business ideas.
If so, then you are in the right place! for to find the difference between website vs blog. You may ask yourself, what is a blog and how is it different from a website?
Well, in fact,
In this Today’s Post we will be taking you through the exact blog vs website post, in detail.
You not only love it! You also share it with others!
If you haven’t started a blog yet, we definitely recommend you to read, how to start a blog to make money online to get started.
Blog vs Website Difference

A blog is a type of website. A blog and a website are completely different from each other.
The only difference between a blog and website is that, the blogs have more often frequently updated content and the websites are a stand-alone web page on its own or a part of a bigger site.
You can create awesome blogs or website by using best free blogging platforms.
To give you a background on website vs blog, earlier the blogs were more often used by the online professional journals which were mostly used and preferred as a personal blog.
Blog vs Website – What’s The Difference?
In short,
A Blog is a Type of Website!
A Blog is the one that contains Blog Posts listed in a Chronological order which can be categorized and archived based on Dates, Author, Category, Tags, and so on (newest being the first).
A Blog can be a part of a Website! This shows the difference between blog and website.
A Website is the one that contains only pages which are listed across menus for easy navigation which are linked to the home page.
Thus, the main difference between a blog or website is that a blog is a chronological listing of blog posts and a website is a home page with different pages linked to the home page which is a standalone page.
What Is A Blog?
A Blog is a Type of Website where the written content is presented in a reverse chronological order where-in the newer content that appears first.
A Blog is a Type of Website where-in the content written or the individual blog articles (so called blog posts) displays them on the homepage of the blog in reverse chronological order (newest article first).
Fact Check: Thinking of website vs blog, A Blog Content is usually in the form of “Entries” or “Blog Posts”.
A Blog is part of Website which is dynamic in nature and is more often updated at regular intervals. The bigger the blog, the more will be the articles. This means that the big giants in blogging industry will post multiple new articles in a single day as part of Blog and Website.
As said above, the blog displays the most recent published articles on top and followed by the previously added articles in the form of feed.
The blogs are usually run and maintained by an individual or a small group of people where-in the content completely focuses on giving the useful information to the user or the audiences. Especially, in today’s blogging context many corporate companies have also started entering into blogging industry, in order to attract more and more customers to their websites and gain more leads to make the best use of SEO best practices.
The blog posts of blogs also contain comments section where-in viewers or audiences can express their views about the blog Posts or articles. Comment sections on blogs are considered to be great ways to promote your blog for free.
How To Identify a Blog?
For anyone it’s pretty easy to identify the blog. To identify a blog, look for a blog which is the one that has multiple blog posts in a chronological order where-in the latest post being at the top followed by all old posts. A blog is usually developed with the help of CMS (Content Management System) such as or
Over the past few years, the WordPress has become one of the most used cms software’s for blogging. Today, more than 30% of bloggers all over the world blog on WordPress. Thanks to its open-source software feature.
Here are the few basic identifications from which you can easily identify the blog:
How to identify a blog?
· A chronological listing of blog posts
· A site that houses a comment section where-in audience can express their views about the article
· The blog posts are ordered and archived in the form of date, category, author, tags and sub-categories.
· Includes RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for posts and comments for feed readers
· The one which displays multiple posts in the form multiple pages
· The one that contains more text written in the form of in-depth continuous conversations
· The ones with in-depth content that are written for audiences queries and questions as a part of solutions
Examples of Most Popular Blogs and Good Blogs over the Internet
There are hundreds of thousands of blogs out there over the internet which are best in their industry in blogging category.
However, here we are listing out you few of the most popular blogs that you should definitely check out, if you want to be blogger and get inspired!
Or you can directly get started to create a blog for free.
The most popular blogs:
· 136.97 million monthly visitors
· 100.87 million monthly visitors
· 61 million monthly visitors
· 39 million monthly visitors
· 16.88 million monthly visitors
· 15.47 million monthly visitors
· Mashable: 15.32 million monthly visitors
· 6.17 million monthly visitors
· 3.98 million monthly visitors
· 1.08 million monthly visitors
Don’t miss the chance to get your first blog on internet. Before you get started, check out benefits of blogging to keep yourself motivated and make your ideas and worth count.
What Is A Website?
A Website is the one that can be anything that contains mostly standalone pages rather than chronologically listed posts.
A Website is the one that is presented on Word Wide Web (www) which can be anything over the internet that is presented in the forms of HTML/CSS, Java/Java Script, Python, PHP and so on.
A Website can house a standalone home page, such as about us, contact us, and other standalone pages that displays the content in the form of text, multimedia, images and so on. This means, the home page would be more for browsing other pages.
As a result of blog or website, a website can also house a blog as a separate page where-in the content can be posted in the form of posts.
The websites can be used for multiple and different purposes such as for business, personal, agencies & for governments and so on.
The websites are built with an intention of providing relevant information to visitors or audiences in the form of a brochure for a company, organization or an agency.
Building an eye-catching website is not so easy and it takes lot of work as it needs to be built from scratch! We often recommend to start a lifestyle business or you can start creating a free blog on blogger. But, thanks to software’s like adobe dream viewer, adobe muse, bootstrap, mobirise and so on which makes building a website easier.
As said above, a blog can be part of a website which can be in the form of a separate page which is linked to the home page and contains blog posts which are chronologically listed.
Fact Check: Blog or Website, A Website can be anything which can contain a Single Page to Hundreds of Pages.
How To Identify A Website?
A Website is also pretty easy to identify. A website is one that has standalone pages.
A Home Page where-in it is linked with several pages that are linked to an organizations products and services that they provide.
How to identify a website?
· A website is a website that mostly contains several standalone pages
· A home page that displays content of several pages linked to multiple pages
· The one which is in the form of a portfolio
· The one which contains a blog in a separate page along with other several pages
· The one that contains frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) where-in the users can browse to get more information
· The standalone page that contains testimonials and feedbacks from various customers and clients
· Companies or organizations about us, contact us, terms and privacy pages linked to a home page
· The standalone page containing products and services that they offer linked to several other pages
Examples of Most Popular Websites and Good Websites over the Internet
There are thousands or millions of websites over the Internet.
The most of the brands or organizations or companies are all have their own websites. Some are really eye-catching and some are unique with blogs also included as their part of gaining more leads strategy.
However, to name a few here are few of the examples of websites over the Internet:
The most popular websites:
· 25.71 billion monthly visitors
· 5.4 billion monthly visitors
· 48.67 million monthly visitors
· Evernote: 35.51 million monthly visitors
· 32.02 million monthly visitors
· 10.97 million monthly visitors
History of Blogs
Blogs were earlier evolved from online over the Internet in the form of Online Diaries and Journals in the late mid-90’s.
At this time, the people have already started publishing regular updates about their personal lives, thoughts and social commentary over the Internet by running their personal web pages.
When you think of blog and website, the term “Blog” was originated in the late 90’s, which have made a name transition from “WeBlog”, then “We Blog” and finally just “Blog”.
What is a blog?
The term “Blog” was originated in the late 90’s, which has made a name transition from “WeBlog”, then “We Blog” and finally just “Blog”. A blog is a list of posts that are listed out in a chronological order.
Since this blogging industry started growing day by day, many companies started developing several best blogging tools, which helped many and made it easier to create journals so called the blogs.
In 1999, the popular blogging website was launched by a company named Aptly, which then later was acquired by Google in the late February 2003. To compete the blogging Tools and softwares industry, in the same year, the WordPress released its first version as a free blogging platform in May 2003.
As we said earlier, the WordPress is now one of the world’s most popular blogging platform powering over more than 30% of all Websites over the Internet.
How Is A Blog Different From A Website?
Blogs are a Type of Website. The blogs are a blog posts listed in chronological blog posts that contains content.
Difference between a blog and website:
The only difference between a blog vs website is that the blogs are dynamic and have more frequently updated content in the form of blog posts whereas the website is more standalone, static which are hardly updated any time.
Fact Check: A blog can be a website on its own or can be a part of a bigger site.
In the early 90’s the blogs have started their journey mostly as personal journals which later lead to the invention of so-called blogs which now used by many organizations to draw more leads and customers.
Now a days, the blogs are highly and most popular among every 1 in 100 making it easier to understand blog or website. More and more companies started of their own blogs to keep their customers up-to-date with their product updates, service updates and events too.
The blogging in companies, have a become a part of best SEO strategies by incorporating them into their website.
To give you an example, is the best web hosting service provider that not only have a website, but also has a separate page for blog. In this blog section of hostinger, the company shares many articles in the form of blog posts to gain more leads and clients, which is a part of Smart SEO Strategies.
What’s The Difference In Terms of Content?
When it comes to content, this is where the changes happen in between a blog and website. The website is the one that contains “Pages” so called “Web Pages” or “Sections” which you can compare it with a brochure.
Similar to the brochure, the website is divided and constructed with different pages that contains an organization profile along with their products and services.
The website is designed with a standalone home page which contains all general information of an organization. The website can also house a contact us page with a contact form embedded in it for its visitors to contact.
On the other hand, the blogs contain so called “Blog Posts” which are a full in-depth content that allows visitors to read all about the information they want.
When you consider blog and website, the main difference is that the blogs are mostly constructed of a combination of various contents such as lots of text, images, infographics, videos, podcasts, social media feeds and so on.
Blogs are more often gives, in and out of the information of the content for the Visitors Search Query.
The blog posts can be categorized and archived with dates and author names. Whereas the pages can’t be done so, which is nothing but a website. Thanks to WordPress which makes both things possible of blog or website which allows you not only create a blog also allow you to create a website.
The WordPress comes with features of publishing “Pages” as well as “Posts”, separately.
Pages will be standalone that contains complete information linked to other pages. And the blog contains content within a Blog Posts which are listed chronologically.
Why Write Blogs?
In short, there are many blogging benefits. Blogs are the one of the best ways to connect with the world seamlessly. You can reach out to millions of audiences if you have a great content for your visitors.
As Blogs have now evolved as one of the best ways to gain more leads and reach out to thousands of customers, Blogging is the way to success rather than just having a website.
The blogs can be used as a medium through which you can keep your customers updated with your product and service news, releases and so on.
Fact Check: The Blogging is most useful for both Personal as well as for Businesses.
For personal use, you can use blog as a means of lifestyle business to make money online. By blogging, you can earn money from various ways by learning how to make money from blog.
And for businesses, you can use a blog as a medium to connect with your customers by updating with news of your products and services. The blogging is a great platform where-in you can keep your customers and audiences happy and engaged all the time.
To give you a rough idea here below we have listed out few of the reasons, why you should write blogs:
Why write blogs?
· Blogging is one of the lifestyle business ideas
· By blogging you can make money online
· Blogging leads to gain more leads
· Blogging also helps to bring in more customers to your website
· Blogging can be a hobby or interest of yours
· Blogging is a great way to connect with world and socialize yourself
And the list goes on.
How To Make Money With Blogs? or How To Make Money Blogging?
Aren’t you delighted to hear that; you can make money online by blogging?
Many people all around the world, think blog as just a hobby or an interest. In-fact, the blogging is not limited to just as a hobby. It’s way more than that. Means you earn money online too.
To give you an idea, there are thousands of people all around the world who make money by blogging. That too from $1,000 to $10,000.
Crazy, right? But, that’s true!
Here are few ways that you can make money online from blogging:
1. Displaying Ads
Google AdSense is the great way of doing so.
Apart from Google AdSense, there are many other alternatives such as, PropellerAds, Amazon Native Shopping Ads, Adversal, Sovrn //Commerce (Formerly VigLink), Skimlinks, Monumetric, InfoLinks, ylliX, Evadav, PopCash, PopAds, RevContent, Adsterra, SHE Media, AdRecover, MadAds Media, Bidvertiser, Adbuff, BuySellAds and so on.
2. Affiliate Marketing
This is also another best way to make money in 6 to 7 figures. The affiliate marketing is now in boom and is the most used and preferred one.
Through affiliate marketing you can promote any product or service that fits in your niche. You can use affiliate marketing programs such as Amazon Associates, Click Bank, CJ Affiliate, Share A Sale and so on.
3. Membership
This is another way to earn money by offering the premium contents for your users or visitors.
Want to start blogging? Must read these articles below:
· Best lifestyle business ideas to make money online
How To Start Blogging? or How To Start A Blog?
You might be wondering it’s highly difficult to Start a Blog.
In fact,
It is pretty easy to start a blog. But you need to do some investment to start a blog.
To start a blog, you don’t need any coding skills nor any technical skills of programming. All you have to do is just sign up for a free online blog services such as and start blogging right away. is one of the best ways to start a blog for free without any investment. However, when you want to scale that blog you need investments on domain and good web hosting to manage your blog.
But if you want to do serious blogging then we recommend you to go for WordPress, which needs at least $15 to $50 to kick start.
WordPress not only allows you to do blogging, it also allows you to customize the blog with thousands of themes and plugins to choose from.
On WordPress you can build a blog or a website or a combination of both Blog or Website.
Fact Check: For this you need a Domain Name and a Web Hosting.
We recommend you to buy the domain and hosting from, where you can get the domain and web hosting at cheap rates, which is more than enough for you to kick start your blogging journey.
Blog vs Website – Which One Should You Choose?
It’s all simple!
Choosing a blog or website is not so hard. Because, it all depends upon which type of business you are looking for or what are your requirements?
Those who wants to write articles in the form of content and want to jump into their field of interest and hobby can Start a Blog.
And those who wants to setup a site for their business so that they can reach out to customers through the internet and want to sell their products and services online can Start a Website.
A website is something you can build within few days and set it up online. For this you don’t need to keep on updating for a certain period of time unless and until its required. You can leave it that way and hope that customers will reach you out for your products or services.
However, if you include a blog into your website, the blog will ensure you of doubling the customers to your website by using SEO Strategies. On the other hand, if you are looking for a lifestyle business then also you can Start a Blog.
Blog will not only enable you to post content on your website, it also helps you to make money online. That’s the power of blog over website. There is always an option for you to scale up your blog by converting it into a hybrid website of blog and website.
How To Decide If I Need A Blog vs Website? Which Is Better a Blog or Website?
Let’s think like this!
Do you need a blog or a website or you want to have both?
What if? If there was an option that allows you to build a blog as well as a website in one as a Hybrid Blog-Website?
Our answer for this could be “Yes”.
This is possible because now a days there are so many blogging platforms out there over the internet that allows you to build not only a blog also a website too.
These modern tools so called “Content Management System (CMS)” does all the work you need by offering various themes, widgets and plugins making it easier for you to build a website in a blog. This means at the time you complete setting up, you will be getting a fully functional website with a blog functionality built-in.
For this, we suggest you to go with WordPress which is CMS that allows you Create a Blog and a website. There are plenty of reasons why to choose a WordPress over other blogging platforms. Here we have listed out such few reasons.
Why choose WordPress?
· WordPress is a free, open-source CMS which is easy to use, even for a beginner too
· It’s perfect for blogging as it started its journey as a blog CMS, which is now capable of creating a stunning website too
· WordPress is so diversified that it is capable of creating any type of website and a blog
· WordPress is now the most used and preferred CMS which is now powering more than 30% of the entire web
So, never think of having an option to choose in between a Blog and a Website. Instead, you can think of building a site on WordPress and then you can scale it up the way you want.
Can I Use A Blog or Website For Business?
The whole thing comes into picture when you think of doing an online business and want to make money online! This is where, you have to think about should I start a blog or a website.
However, as we discussed above, we recommend you to start a blog and convert that blog into a website in combination of a blog as a Hybrid Blog-Website.
Speaking in view point of business, the blogs tend to convert more leads and customers to your Website. Having a blog in a website is a great way to boost your business. That’s the difference between a blog and website.
Here are few of the reasons why you should choose both, i.e., a website with a blog.
Why choose blog with website?
· According to hubspot study, the companies that have blogs tend to get 55% more visitors than those who don’t have blogs
· Search engines love blogs. Blogs with SEO Strategies, SEO best practices and regular updations with articles tend to gain more visitors
· The moment you post a new content as a blog posts, the search engines will get updated with immediate ping by WordPress, where-in the google search console allows you to index the post immediately
· Blog allows you to promote your business over the internet through social media
However, you should always make sure that the blog should be kept up to date by posting new content on a regular basis which should be SEO Friendly Articles.
Can I Make Money With A Blog vs Website?
The straight forward answer for this is “Yes”!
To learn make money online from your blog or website, you can read these two below articles for in-depth:
· How to make money from your blog or website
However, to put it in short you can make money with a blog or website by implementing below money making strategies:
· AdSense
· Affiliate Marketing
· Sell your Own Products
· Sell Online Courses
· Accept Donations
and so on.
Can I Sell On My Blog vs Website?
It doesn’t matter, if it is a Blog or Website. You can sell any of your own products or someone else’s products on your blog or a website. If you are selling other products or services then a blog could be the best choice.
You can register with best affiliate programs that offer affiliate links, which you can embed them on to your website and then earn a commission when someone buy’s the product you promoted or the other product they brought as per affiliate programs terms.
If you are selling your own products or services then a website, that too an E-Commerce Website could be the best choice. Thanks to CMS like WordPress, that allows you to do so.
The WordPress houses a plugin called Woo-Commerce which turns your website completely into an e-commerce online store giving you the option of making money online.
So, the answer could be “Yes” you can sell on a blog or website.
Can I Build A Blog or Website on My Own?
Yes, you can build a blog or website on your own without needing any expert. The WordPress is the best platform that allows you to do so.
Now a days, building a blog is very easy and simple, as many and many tools, plugins and themes have been developed over the past few years. These will allow you to build a blog or website with easy drop and drag features.
What Does It Cost To Build A Blog vs Website?
The cost of building a blog or a website depends upon the type of blog or website you want to build.
To start with, you have to choose a blogging platform where in you can able to build your website or blog. There are plenty of blogging platforms over the internet that allow you to build a blog or website.
Once you made up your mind with blogging platforms, you need to pick a Domain Name for your blog or a website. After that you need to choose a Web Host for hosting your website or blog.
- A Domain, will cost you around $8.99/year from
- A Web Host, will cost you around $0.99/Month to $9.99/Month from
If you buy a web hosting plan from, you can able to get a free domain along with a web hosting plan.
Isn’t that great? offers you all the things you need. Starting from WordPress auto installer to allowing you to take control of your website completely.
All together you need at least $15 to $30 for setting up a blog and a website.
You can also try kinsta hosting – managed wordpress hosting, which offers hosting services specifically for WordPress.
What About Scaling My Blog vs Website Up In The Future?
There is an always opportunity of scaling up your website or blog at any time you want. Because, there are plenty of websites that already there, over the internet which are developed on WordPress.
To give you an example, you can check out BBC and Wired which are developed with WordPress and now they have evolved as a great business giants.
As your business grows with your website, you need to upgrade your Web Hosting Plans in periodical intervals so that it can handle the increase in number of visitors.
What Is The Difference Between A Blog and Website?
The difference between a blog and website is that,
A Blog is a Type of a Website, whereas the website is a home page which linked to several individual pages.
Let’s see the 10 Differences between a Blog and Website with the below table:
10 differences between a blog and a website:
Blog |
Website |
1. A Blog is a Type of Website |
1. A Website is a Home Page interlinked with several individual Pages |
2. A Blog is a form of Feed System where in the Content is listed in the Chronological system |
2. A Website is a Standalone Home Page with several other Web Pages interlinked to it |
3. A Blog contains Posts so called Blog Posts |
3. A Website contains Pages and Sections in the form of Content |
4. A Blog containing a Post consists of in-depth Content for Viewers |
4. A Website on the other hand contains Sections of Content which are linked to several pages |
5. A Blog can be Archived and Categorized as Author, Date, Tags and Categories |
5. A Website with Pages can be presented in the form of Navigation Menus linked to Home Page |
6. A Blog contains a Comment Section for a Visitor to interact and express about the Content as a Conversation with the Author |
6. A Website doesn’t contain a Comment Section |
7. A Blog can be a part of a Website itself |
7. A Website can house a Blog along with its Pages |
8. A Blog can house RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for posts and/or comments for feed-readers |
8. A Website can’t house a RSS for Comments and Posts |
9. A Blog can be a Feed of Blog Posts as part of Article |
9. A Website can be a Portfolio of an Organizations Products or Services |
10. A Blog is Dynamic. This means the Blog is updated on a regular frequent basis and kept live and up to date |
10. A Website is Static. This means the Website doesn’t have to be updated on a regular basis. It’s only updated once in a year or more than that, only if required |
What Is The Difference Between A Blog Posts and Pages?
The WordPress, which is the most popular blogging platform and a powerful CMS comes by default, with two content writing types called Posts and Pages.
For beginners, it is more often that they get confused between Blog Posts and Pages, which is common. The blog posts are displayed on a blog in a reverse chronological order (meaning from newest to oldest).
On the other hand, the Pages are Static of the same content similar to the about us page, contact us page, products and services page, home page and so on.
The pages are usually used to create the structure and layout of the website. Whereas the posts are used to provide the content on a regular.
Why Do People Blog? What Are The Benefits of Blogging?
People do blogging, because they have their own intention and motivation for Starting a Blog. Most of them use it for their hobbies and interest to that they have so that they can share with the people all around the world.
The bloggers can share all of their creativity and ideas to the people of world. However, when it comes to business, the organizations, companies, brands and businesses create blogs to keep their customers up to date with the latest news and releases so that they can reach out to Millions of Audience.
For businesses, the blogging is part of a marketing strategy to gain more leads and customers.
With this we could able to list out few of the benefits of blogging:
· Blogging becomes a great platform to organize and showcase your thoughts and ideas with the world
· Blogging helps individuals as well as organizations to build an authority among the rest in their industry
· Blogging can be used as a lifestyle business and make money online
· Blogging helps to get socialized and helps to generate more leads and customers
· Bloggings can also be used for social awareness, run social media campaigns and influence the public
How Do Bloggers Make Money?
When you think of blogging, you might think of a blog as a hobby or an interest.
But in fact,
Many bloggers over the internet use blog to make money online and bloggers are willing to convert their blogs as successful online businesses.
The most successful bloggers are making money in 6-figures, 7-figures and even 8-figures of income from their blogs as part of successful online businesses. There are many ways that the bloggers can make money.
Here are few of ways that successful bloggers make money online:
How successful bloggers make money online:
1. Display Ads
Google AdSense is one among them which is the most commonly used form of making money from your blog. This is being used by almost all of bloggers all over the world.
2. Affiliate Marketing
This is the most effective way of monetizing your blog as this is where the money starts doubling and tripling. Promoting and selling the product and services of others is an affiliate marketing which is way of making money from your blog.
Can Anyone Start A Blog?
Yes, anyone can start a blog if they love blogging and doesn’t require any technical skills.
If you are a beginner, then is the best blogging platform that you can choose to blog from. If you are immediate who knows about blogging, then WordPress is the great way to Start a Blog. and are the best and most popular ones over the internet which makes blogging easier and simpler.
WordPress being an open-source software, offers thousands of themes, plugins, and widgets to choose from which helps blogging easier. This blog come website is also built in WordPress too.
To Start a Blog on WordPress you need two things:
· A Domain Name (what any visitor types in over their browser to reach out to the desired blog or a website, similar to ours, e.g.:
· A Web Hosting (a place where all of your data files of your blog are stored in and make it visible to visitors 24×7)
We suggest you to go for where you can buy a domain at $8.99/year and a web hosting at $0.99/Month to $9.99/Month.
I you buy the web hosting plans from, you will also get One Free Domain which you can claim with the web hosting plan that you chose.
Can You Have Both A Blog and a Website In One?
Yes, you can have a Blog and a Website in one Site.
A blog is nothing but a type of website which can be part of a website. On the other hand, a website can house a blog along with other pages too. So, either way, you can have a blog in a website which fulfills your both of requirements.
To build a blog and a website, you can use WordPress.
· On WordPress, build a website with several pages such as about us, contact us, terms and a home page.
· Then create a separate blank page named blog.
· Then, from the settings menu you can choose a home page as home page (which you can design as per your choices) and select a blog page to show all of your blog posts.
That’s it!
You have a blog and a website in one.
Best Blog Platforms
There are many best blogging platforms over the Internet from which you can build your own blog or a website.
Best blogging platforms comes with different kinds of Content Management Systems (CMS) which offer you the opportunity to build a great website or a blog.
Best free blogging platforms free to make money:
· Blogger
· WordPress
· Tumblr
· Typepad
· Jekyll
· Squarespace
· Weebly
· Medium
· Ghost
You can read more about these from here, best blogging platforms free.
Best Blog Sites
The best blog sites are the same terminology of best blogging platforms. All the free blogging platforms listed above are the best blogging sites.
Best blog sites not only allow you to create an awesome blog or a website, they also allow you to make money online.
If you are serious about blogging, then you can convert this as a full-time successful online business. Here we have listed few of the best blog sites which are nothing but best blogging platforms.
Best blogging sites:
· Blogger
· Weebly
· Medium
· Joomla
· Typepad
· LiveJournal
· Movable Type
· Wix
Best Blogging Tools
The best blogging tools are the one which you should must have for your blogging platform to build a blog or a website.
Over the past few years many blogging tools have evolved and developed, which made almost of all bloggers life simpler for blogging.
There are tens of blogging tools out there that you can use for your blog. We can study them on some other day on another article. The blogging tools plays a vital role in one or the other way for your Blogs.
However, here we are listing out few of the best blogging tools that you should must have.
Best blogging tools:
· WordPress: To create a blog or website
· Google Analytics: To analyze your traffic or audience and visitors for your blog or website
· Google Search Console: To index your blog or website on google and fix the crawling errors
· Yoast SEO or Rank Math SEO: To implement SEO strategies and to rank #1 in SERP’s or 1st page of google search engine
· Grammarly: To correct the mis-spelled words and create a meaningful sentence grammarly
· BuzzSumo: To run a search and quickly discover content ideas, uncover platform insights, identify passionate influences and more
· Canva: To create outstanding logos, images, infographics and more
· Buffer: To build your audience and grow your brand on social media
· SEMRush or Ahrefs: To do keyword research as part of a keyword research tools
· Evernote: To capture and prioritize ideas, projects and to-do lists
· Mailchimp: For implementation of all-in-one integrated marketing platform for small businesses, to grow your business on your terms
· Hootsuite: To enhance your social media management
· Google Sheets: Create spreadsheets with data’s
· Trello: To organize plans, projects and more
· PayPal or Payoneer: To accept international payments to your account
· Post Planner: To find and schedule top performing content to reach more followers and increase visitors
· HubSpot: A full platform of marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software
· Pixabay: To find best free stock images, gifs and videos for your website
· Feedly: To share your blog content to reach millions of people and increase traffic to your website or blog
and so on.
What Is The Best Website To Start A Blog?
WordPress is the best website for anyone to Start a Blog.
If you are a beginner, then you can start with and once you learnt in and out of blogging you can shift over to WordPress.
However, there are plenty of Websites that you can choose from to build your Blog. We have listed down top 10 free blogging platforms that you can choose to Start a Blog. Here is the list of top 10 blogging platforms how it looks like:
Best free blogging platforms:
· Best for self-hosted blogs
· Best for free blogs
· Best for small business websites
· Best for corporate businesses
· Best for corporate, personal, political and government sites
· Best for beginners
· Best for photographers and small e-commerce stores
· Best for building online stores
· Best for newbies and beginners to make money by Google AdSense
· Best for microblogging and social network blogging
Can I Blog On My Website?
Yes, absolutely you can Blog on your Website.
A blog is nothing but a Type of Website only. A website can also house a blog along with its different several pages. Choose WordPress for blogging.
If you are already on WordPress, then for this all you have to do is create two separate pages called a home page and a blog or blogging blank page.
Design your home page as you want as per your wish. Layout the content on home page and link them to other pages.
Head over to settings from WordPress left menu and change the home page as newly created and designed Home Page instead of Blog Posts.
And then for Blog Posts choose an already created blank page called blog or blogging.
That’s it. You’re good to go.
Is It Better To Have A Website or Blog?
If you ask us, it is better to have both a Blog and a Website.
A website is standalone and static which is hard gain customers and visitors. Hence, having a blog to your website increases the traffic and audience for your Website.
You can scale your online business as you wish having a blog with website. This will also help you to keep your audience engaged with your website.
Is A Blog and a Website The Same Thing?
No. A blog and a website are not the same thing.
However, a Blog is a type of website which is a part of a website.
This means,
A blog is the one that contains Blog Posts listed in a chronological order which can be categorized and archived based on dates, author, category, tags, and so on.
A website is the one that contains only pages which are listed across menus for easy navigation which are linked to the home page.
Why Do You Need A Blog On Your Website?
Blogging is one of the amazing ways to drive traffic to your website and increase your SEO Score, when you read completely the benefits of SEO, you will understand the complete picture of blogging.
The more your blog is popular and have lots of content, the more content the search engines have to crawl and index. This means they can easily recognize that your site is a resource of information for people to access and learn from.
There are plenty of reasons on why you need a blog on your website.
Here we have listed down few of the reasons that you can think of on why you need a blog on your website.
You need a blog on your website for the following reasons:
· To gain more leads and customers
· To increase and drive traffic for your website
· To increase your SEO score
· To rank #1 in SERP’s
· To create a hub of information for your niche
· To become an authority in your niche and emerge as a brand leader in your industry
· To boost your social media presence and efforts
· To have a long-term success
· To build a successful online business
· To build a better customer relationship
· To keep your website fresh and updated than your competitors
And so on.
How Do You Know If It Is A Blog?
As we discussed above, we can easily come to know if it is a blog or not. You can know if it is a blog or not based on the following Identifiers.
How to identify a blog?
· A chronological listing of blog posts
· A site that houses a comment section where-in audience can express their views about the article
· The blog posts are ordered and archived in the form of date, category, author, tags and sub-categories.
· Includes RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds for posts and comments for feed readers
· The one which displays multiple posts in the form multiple pages
· The one that contains more text written in the form of in-depth continuous conversations
· The ones with in-depth content that are written for audiences queries and questions as a part of solutions
Is WordPress A Website or Blog?
A WordPress is a Website. A WordPress is not a Blog. However, WordPress website has a blog in it.
To be precise even though it is a website, the WordPress is an open-source software which is called as Content Management System (CMS).
What is WordPress?
“WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system, referred to within WordPress as themes.”
How Do You Start A Blog For Free?
To start a blog for free,
· Head over to
· Register for free
· Create a New Blog
· Choose a Name, Domain and a Theme
· Start Creating Posts
That’s It!
· Pick a Blog Name
· Choose your Blog Template
· Customize the Design of your Blog
· Start writing Posts
· Connect your Domain
· Publish Posts and go live
· Share your Posts and start Promoting
Is Blogging Easy?
Yes, starting a blog is actually pretty easy. Thousands of new blogs are started every day. Now a days, anyone can create a blog just under 5 minutes, but very few people will create blogs that matter the most.
This course goes much deeper than just starting a blog.
It all depends upon you, how you are going to see your Blog? Where you are looking at yourself by blogging?
Hope this article, Blog vs Website has given you all the information that you needed. Hope in this today’s blog or website post, we have cleared out all of your doubts about the difference between a blog and website.
Please tell us about your insights about this post in the Comments below!
Also, do let us know with the comments below,
· What is Blog vs Website?
· What are the differences between the two?
Just to Recap,
A Blog is a Type of Website!
A Blog is the one that contains Blog Posts listed in a Chronological order which can be Categorized and Archived based on Dates, Author, Category, Tags, and so on.
A Blog can be part of a Website!
A Website is the one that contains only Pages which are listed across Menus for easy navigation which are linked to the Home Page.
Thus, the main difference between a blog vs website is that a blog is a chronological listing of blog posts and a website is a home page with different pages linked to the home page which is a standalone page.
WordPress Blogging is nothing but to Create your own Blog or Website on or
In other words, WordPress is a free personal publishing platform for your Blogs or Websites. It is an easy to use, fast and flexible Blog script. It comes with a great set of features, designed to make your experience as a publisher as pleasant as possible.
Create your Free Blog on Choose for an all-in-
There are many Free Blogging Platforms that allows to display Ads on your own Blogs or Websites.
When there are so many of free blogging platforms to choose from, when it comes to showing ads and earning money, is the one that stands out on Top.
Apart from this the few other Free Blogging Platforms that allows Ads to display are:
- from Google
- WordPress
- Squidoo (Hub Pages)
- Wix
But all comes with Terms and Conditions. So, Please read their T&C before you choose one. is yet another amazing Blogging platform for creating stunning Websites. With plenty of easy drag and drop templates and free site hosting, Wix is one of the best free Blog sites to start a new Blog. It is user-friendly yet it may take a while for the beginners to come through multiple features.
To add and set up a Blog: Click the Blog icon on the left side of the Editor. Click + Add Now and click Get Started in the pop.
Choose a Feee Blog Website Template to start creating your stunning Website. All Templates are fully customizable with Drag and Drop Feature.
Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and generally accessed from a subdomain of
It allows you to Publish your passions your way. Whether you’d like to share your knowledge, experiences or the latest news, create a unique and beautiful Blog for Free.
If you want one of the Free Blogging Platforms, then is the best around. It has become more diverse. You can easily upload Customized Free Themes you find online over the Internet. It’s easy to use and there are plenty of options on widgets.
However you are found of Money then you can choose
Apart from these the all Top 10 Free Blogging Platforms and Sites listed in above Article offer you the chances of Making Money Online!
WordPress is the best Free Blogging Platform for Writers to write a Blog.
Apart from this you can also choose Medium, Tumblr, Ghost and Blogger, etc.

“Hey, I am Sachin Ramdurg, the founder of
I am an Engineer and Passionate Blogger with a mindset of Entrepreneurship. I have been experienced in Blogging for more than 15+ years and following as a youtuber along with blogging, online business ideas, affiliate marketing, and make money online ideas since 2012.
6 thoughts on “Blog Vs Website, Which Is Better? – How Is It Different From A Website? Exposed In Time [2022] – Ultimate Guide”